Anvika's Blog

An awesome blog with what YOU want to read

Grounders, #2: Different

“So… Do you enjoy living in Ciores?” I cautiously asked the Uber driver. He had been stoically silent for the entire drive, and I had tried to distract myself by observing the sprawling land outside of Las Angeles, sometimes miles of wasteland desert, sometimes dense…

Grounders, #1: Freedom

“Mom, I’ll be fine,” I insisted. “You don’t need to come with me. Sarah will meet me there.” My mom sighed, weariness carved into her fine features. “Jaanu, I wish you would take a safer position.” “We discussed this,” I whined. “The lab in Ciores…

The Robot 

“Operation Automated Personality Cycle, take 217, begin,” the dark-haired scientist muttered, as he pushed the knob on the electronic circuit board, to allow a surge of electricity through the wires to the robot nearby. The creation vaguely resembled a human; there was simply a torso…

The Machine

The Machine Pt. 6 Finale

“Bizarre,” the scientist muttered to himself. Tears streamed down the apprentice’s face with no signs of stopping. Suddenly a loud robotic voice resounded from the heavens.   “You setup with the Time Machine has expired. Would you like to add 3 minutes to your allotment, or…

The Machine

The Machine Pt. 5

The environment had changed drastically for the scientist and the apprentice.   “Bizarre,” the scientist murmured, blinking as they adjusted to the dim light. He lightly brushed his hands on the wall, and shuddered as he probed through a slimy coat of material and scraped against…

The Machine

The Machine pt. 4

The apprentice rose from her seat, shook. Fifty years ago the first antibiotic had been discovered, penicillin. Only fifty years ago. Thousands more lives were saved by the invention, and even still, before the thing was invented, the world didn’t perish because of bacteria. “Is…

The Machine

The Machine, pt. 3

I don’t know if I can take it… the apprentice realized dejectedly. For all her bravado in being certain humans could fix themselves, they continued to control each other using the same thinking patterns she operated on. Thinking like hers was the reason the world…

The Machine, pt2

It didn’t matter much, she trusted the scientist, and gruff as he was, he knew that she was the only person willing enough to participate in his mad experiments and losing her would lose the only willing guinea pig. Anyways, it’s a miracle I can…

The Machine

I originally wrote this story as a school project but in light of recent events will post it here, The Machine  “If you can’t take it, don’t use it. You made a choice to be here. And the Machine tells nothing but the truth,” the…